Mold Investigation

People reach out to Restoworx to perform mold inspections for any number of reasons, including:

  • recent water damage
  • visible growth
  • strange smells
  • health concerns
  • relieve worries
  • real estate sells/purchases

A mold inspection can help in the following ways:

  • Determine if you have a true problem or not based on hard evidence. Not all mold is dangerous. In fact, mold is all around us. It just needs to be kept at acceptable levels. An inspection without testing is just a guess at the true state of your indoor air quality. Air and surface samples offer hard evidence in evaluating the air quality of your home or business.
  • If problematic, implement a proven plan of attack – assessing severity, determining the source and establishing next steps. We not only help fix the visible problem at hand, but look deeper to determine the source. Our samples collection and testing enable us to assess exactly what is going on to provide a clear picture of exactly what needs work.
  • Controlling costs through being targeted and proactive. Understanding how far a problem has spread is critical in determining the size of a work area. Beyond saving you money on the size of the work area, testing also provides assurance that you are attacking the most targeted area. Molds release thousands of spores into the air that have the potential to cause health problems. Taking air samples is the only way to determine how far this problem has spread. While visible in only one part of a home or business (i.e. walls, furniture, etc.), we often find a mold problem has spread throughout the entire floor through testing (with only the tip of the iceberg exposed). To fix these air problems, extensive air cleaning needs to take place. Going into this process informed, our report indicates every step that needs to be taken.
  • Fixing it right the first time. Knowing the scope of work will not only help keep costs low, but also make sure your indoor environment gets fixed correctly the first time.

Below is a summary of how our process works:

  • Call/email Restoworx to schedule an appointment.
  • Restoworx technicians will assess your property.
  • We’ll collect air and surface samples.
  • We’ll send tests to an independent lab for analysis.
  • The Inspector will share lab results with you and, if necessary, provide a detailed protocol for mold remediation.
  • If clearance testing is warranted, we will perform it is as well.
  • We will stay engaged with you throughout, providing full customer support and keeping you informed throughout the process.