Have you asked yourself any of these questions?

  • Why does my home or workplace always seem “dusty” no matter how much/often I clean?
  • Why does everyone seem to sneeze and/or have watery eyes more here than other places?
  • Why do my (or others’) allergies seem to act up more here than other places?
  • Why does it seem so “stuffy” in here?

If you have had these questions, it is very likely that you have dirty air duct issues.

Very simply, if your ducts appear to be dirty, they probably are. In normal daily living, all people generate a great deal of contaminants and air pollutants. These include dander, dust, and chemicals. Pulled into the HVAC system and re-circulated approximately 5 to 7 times daily, a build-up of pollutants in the duct work results. Forty pounds of dust can be created in a typical six-room home annually stressing the lungs of your home – your heating and cooling system – as it takes air in and breathes it out.

While dirty ducts don’t necessarily mean your air is unhealthy, it can certainly be irritating as in the case of dust and allergies. However, beyond the impact on environmental allergies, dirty ducts may be contributing to larger health issues or a suboptimal environment for people with respiratory health conditions and autoimmune disorders.

If there is a problem, what’s next?

Part of maintaining a safe, clean home or business is ensuring clean ducts. Regular air duct cleaning should be performed annually.

Left Untreated, Dirty Air Ducts Can Result In:

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 25 to 40 percent of the energy used for heating or cooling a home is wasted. Pollutants in your heating and cooling system cause it to work harder – decreasing the life of your system. Even with filters, the heating and cooling system still gets dirty through normal use.

When an HVAC system is clean, energy is conserved, leading to improved cost-savings. Your system doesn’t have to work as hard to maintain the temperature comfortable to you.

As molds break down, organic material volatile organic compounds are released into the air. This often produces a stagnant, pungent aroma.
Dirty air ducts do not always mean your air is unhealthy. However, they may be responsible for advancing health issues for those at risk. Pollutants found in dirty ducts can lead to significant problems for those with respiratory health conditions, autoimmune disorders or some environmental allergies.
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